Dr. Ravinder Kumar

Associate Professor & Associate Head


Machine Learning




Machine Learning



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RAVINDER KUMAR received the Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering from Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology in 2015. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology. He has already developed a complete working project on speech recognition and handwritten recognition for Indian regional language (Punjabi). His area of research includes theoretical and practical aspects of combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithm, and mathematical programming. He is the member of various professional bodies and serves as a Reviewer to many referred journals.

Membership of Professional Institutions, Associations, Societies

  • Life Member CSI.
  • Member IEEE Society 2017-2018

Publications and other Research Outputs

  • Ravinder Kumar, Vishal Sharma, and Ramandeep Kaur “UAVs Assisted Content-Based Sensor Search in the Internet of Things”, IET Electronics Letter, 53 (11),724-726,2017.
  • Vishal Sharma, Ilsun You, Ravinder Kumar and Pankoo Kim “Computational offloading for efficient trust management in pervasive online social networks using osmotic computing”, IEEE Access,5,2017.
  • Vishal Sharma, Ilsun You, Ravinder Kumar “ISMA Intelligent Sensing Model for Anomalies Detection in Cross Platform OSNs With a Case Study on IoT”, IEEE Access,5,3284-3301,2017
  • Kaish Mangal and Ravinder Kumar “A Recursive Algorithm for Generalized Constraint SCS Problem”, National Academy Science Letters,39 (4),273-276,2016
  • Sandeep Saharan and Ravinder Kumar “Graph Coloring based Optimized Algorithm for Resource Utilization in Examination Scheduling”, An International Journal Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences,10 (3),1193-1201,2016
  • Ravinder Kumar, Rajendra Kumar Sharma, Anuj Sharma “Recognition of Multi-Stroke Based Online Handwritten Gurmukhi Aksharas”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences,85 (1),159-168,2015
  • Nidhi Walia, Ravinder Kumar “Does Porfolio Mix Influence the Mutual Fund Performance?”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation,9 (4),413-421,2013
  • Nidhi Walia, Ravinder Kumar “A Study on Factors Affecting the Risk Perception of Mutual Fund Investors”, International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management, 3 (6),75-78,2013
  • Ravinder Kumar, Rajendra Kumar Sharma “An efficient post processing algorithm for online handwritten Gurmukhi character recognition using set theory”, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,27 (4),1353002 (17), 2013.
  • R.K. Sharma, Palki Sharma, Narpinder Sharma, Harjeet Singh, Karun Verma, Ravinder Kumar, Rajesh Kumar “Development of OHWR System” ,Vishwa Bharat TDIL,39 & 40,55-66, 2013.
  • Ravinder Kumar “Comparison of HMM and DTW for Isolated Word Recognition System of Punjabi Language”, International Journal of Soft Computing, 5(3), 88-92, 2010.

Awards and Honours

Best Teaching Awards (Personal Incentive Scheme) received three times.

Description of Research Interests

He is interested in theoretical and practical aspects of combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithm, design and analysis of algorithms and mathematical programming. I have already developed a complete working project on speech recognition for Indian regional language (Punjabi) and developed algorithm of end point detection. My research work includes algorithm on noise removing in hand written character.

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